Over the years, our official photographers, parents and students have submitted photographs and videos of the North Cobb High School Bands. We are pleased to share these with you.


SmugMug is the North Cobb High School Bands photo gallery host. SmugMug offers a free app on iTunes and Google Play.

If you are a parent of a band or winter guard student that is interested in helping with photography or would like to contribute photographs you have taken throughout the year, please email us at video@nchsband.com.


If you are a parent of a band or winter guard student that is interested in helping with video or would like to contribute video you have taken throughout the year, please email us at video@nchsband.com.


The North Cobb High School Band Booster organization includes a number of committees that help support the band program. Assistance with the committees is almost always needed, so we are constantly looking for more hands and minds to help out year-round, not just during marching season. Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to learn more or offer your support.

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